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Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Red Converse

I don't own a pair of Chuck Taylors. Or Converse. And I definitely don't know the difference between the two (if there is one). But I'll bet Google.com could tell me. In fact, I'll bet Google would sell me a pair of either...or both. (And, yes, I am well aware Google is taking over the world. And, in fact, my recent purchase of a *cough* certain cell phone *cough, cough* has meant Google has taken over even more of my life. And I am quite comfortable with that fact.)

In case you're wondering, though, I now am coveting a pair of red Converse. Or Chucks. Whatever the difference. But I definitely want them to be red. Or pink. Pink would work, too. And its all Elizabeth's fault. I blame her entirely.

1 comment:

Pinon Coffee said...

I have a pink floweredy pair of Convies... that I outgrew when expecting Meg. :-( They're normal height, not high-tops, but still pretty darn cute. They got compliments at Trader Joe's!

You think you could wear them? I'd be willing for them to go to a good home. They're lonely under the bed.

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