[P o r t f o l i o] [A b o u t M e] [B l o g] [Y o u r P i c t u r e s] [C o n t a c t M e]

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Jake and Ash - Part 1

Jacob and Ashleigh aren't the most patient people in the world. Or, rather, their impatience is so perfectly synced that they seem to be twice as impatient as most.

Within two hours of each other, I got a text from Jacob and a facebook message from Ashleigh.

"When will we get our pictures?!" they demanded.

Well, okay, in their defense, their pictures are good and I can't blame them for being anxious to see more of them than the sneak-peek link I'd sent their way.

And, too, they weren't ACTUALLY demanding their pictures impatiently. They were just clarifying where I'd be sending their disk.

But still.

The fact that they both emailed me - independent of each other -- is pretty impressive.

And now I'll quit typing. Cuz I'm tired. And ought to sleep. But really want to share these pictures. And can't wait to hear what you think of them.

But - oh! - one more little story. Here we are taking pictures in a less-than-attractive area of town and a random person came walking down the street, on the other side.

But then.

He crossed over to our side, for no apparent reason, and that was just a little sketch. No, I must clarify: it was really sketch.

So - as casually as we possibly could - we ([cough] I) pointed out a [insert dramatically loud voice] "fun location" on the other side of the street and crossed over.

Being the ever-prepared boy that he is, Jacob pulled out his pocket knife and had it ready - just in case - to protect his two girls, but our unidentified wandering man stayed away.

Annnd...since some of you [cough, cough] have been complaining about wanting to see more pictures from each shoot? Want more pictures? Cuz I'll let you have more. Promise. These are just too fun not to share. :-P


Chrissy said...

I LOVE the purple tights and white skirt. and the pocketknife is awesome. :P

Gabrielle Ryan said...

A million bonus points for Jake!!! You go, kid!

These are gorgeous, Jen! I love your use of props and "fun locations" ::grin:: Wish we had some cool spots in Pville... :-P

Jennifer said...

But Gabrielle...the locations are only as cool as you make them. :-P Look around and I think you'd be impressed with what P'ville has!

Gabrielle Ryan said...

this is very true... ;) haha! i found an OLD run down barn yesterday and am trying to find the owner's phone number to see if i can use it! it looks awesome! :-D

Ashleigh said...

WOO HOO!! Thanks Jenni, you are the best! (And I'm not just saying that because you took pictures of us, I mean it.) I'm at work right now and everyone is trying to look over my shoulder to see them :) I'm so excited!

Anndddd yes, we are a little impatient. Oopsie :~)

Unknown said...

I LOVE the pic of Jake with the pocket knife ready to defend you both against the hooded creeper! And I love the others too!!!! :) You're amazing Jennifer. Seriously.

Veritatem Amate said...


And she's seriously gorgeous.

All photos and content copyright © Jenni Marie: Photographer