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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Duncan the Dog

I recently found out that one of my friends lets her dog sleep in her bed. Another friend kisses her cat goodnight. Another gal has more-dogs-than-I-can-count. These people get mushy gushy when spending time with their canine best friend. Baby talk, cuddles, and inside jokes abound...even if the dog is only a dog and never answers back.

To me, a dog is a dog. Nothing more. Nothing less. Over the course of my life, though, I can admit that I have met 3 dogs who made it past "tolerate" status and on to "appreciate."

Most recently, that dog is Duncan.

Maybe its because he's so white and fluffy and cuddly. Maybe its because he looks a lot like the stuffed animal I've owned since I was four (yeah, we're talking a couple decades of existence). Maybe its because he can do some seriously amazing tricks. (The "Jack Bauer" move is by far the most ingenious dog-trick I have witnessed.*) Or maybe its because he didn't bark my head off.

Or maybe its just because.

Yup. That's it: just because.

*In case you're wondering about the Jack Bauer trick: if you make a "gun" of your thumb and forefinger, point it at Duncan, and say "Jack Bauer," this little goofball rolls over and plays dead.

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