[P o r t f o l i o] [A b o u t M e] [B l o g] [Y o u r P i c t u r e s] [C o n t a c t M e]

Thursday, April 15, 2010


The jury is still out: does being uncooperative come naturally for Daniel, or does he work at it? Was he being especially "uncooperative" because he wanted to be...or did I (the photographer) just happen to catch him in his natural state, because I'm just that good?

I mean, goofy isn't bad. In fact, I like goofy. Goofy, if real, shows personality and charisma. (Example: the above moment between Daniel and his brother-in-law Dave.) But please note the glare of death lurking behind those green eyes. This boy was going along with the flow so that he wouldn't rock the family boat (this was, after all, supposed to be a memorable and positive experience for the family history books)...but he wasn't going to go without a fight.

But, see, even though Daniel wasn't the most helpful participant in photo-time-with-Jennifer, I consider myself a resounding success as I prove that I eventually broke past the "I'm going to be as ornery as possible" attitude and proved to him - I hope - that picture time isn't painful and Jennifer really is a good photographer.


Unknown said...

you did it! ;)

Gabrielle Ryan said...


Unknown said...

he totally looks like our bus tour guide in Dublin... the one one who said "ah, don't worry about those bikers, that's what we have these big windshield wipers for."

All photos and content copyright © Jenni Marie: Photographer