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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Tree

If we're constantly waiting for something better, will we forget to enjoy the just-as-good?

I've passed this tree many many many times over the past ten years.
Many times.

And, in recent months, I have pondered the idea of taking a picture of the tree. But I'm never there at a "good" time (sunset or sunrise being ideal), so the picture has never happened.

"Its got to be perfect," says I. "I'll get the picture some other time."

"I'm too hurried to do it justice."

But what if -- just saying -- what if I drove that road one day and that tree had been cut down and sold for timber, or struck by lightning and blown over in the storm. If I wait, the picture will never happen.

So, no. This is not absolutely the best picture that could possibly come of this tree. Yes, I could get a brilliant sunset behind it. Yeah, a bride posed at its base would be poignant. But, no, I can't wait for perfection -- I'm going to enjoy what I have. Its not "better" . . . but it is just-as-good.

(This reflection on life is not to be confused with those situations where waiting for The Best is absolutely the way to be; there are times when "settling" would be foolish and where we are, as C.S. Lewis says, "far too easily pleased." But I think you understand the intent? Sometimes, we have to grab life by the horns and enjoy what we have -- instead of wishing for the out of reach.)

1 comment:

Gabrielle Ryan said...


All photos and content copyright © Jenni Marie: Photographer