[P o r t f o l i o] [A b o u t M e] [B l o g] [Y o u r P i c t u r e s] [C o n t a c t M e]

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I'm not crazy.

When I was in high school and working at Chick-fil-A, I would drop in at the Cato store after work (you know, had to spend all that dough somewhere...). Without fail, while I was in the store, my least-favorite-song-in-the-whole-wide-world would start playing.

I'm not crazy,
I'm just a little unwell
I know right now you can't tell

No matter how much that little jingle drives me crazy (have you heard that melody?! its hauntingly catchy and won't go away, no matter what!), that chorus summarizes today.

No, I'm not crazy.

I promise.


Why don't you believe me?

I've been in a state of panic all day. Yesterday I was in a flurry walking out the door from my lunchbreak. I balanced what felt like my entire house (change of clothes, camera, props, purse) as I tried to finish up my phone call while locking up the house and - trying desperately, anyway - still sounding professional.

With just a few precious minutes left in my break, I whipped my car into the ATM parking lot (sorry, Dad, probably wasn't driving my car as kindly as I ought to), grabbed my debit card, and ran to the ATM.

Then it hit me.

No checks in hand.

Can't exactly deposit checks when you don't even have them!

And so began my panic attack and frantic scramble to find that wad of money. Emptied the purse. Cleaned the car. Scoured the grassy, littered shopping center parking lot (did the wind blow them out of my hand?). Retraced my steps. Emptied the purse again. Checked my pockets (there were no pockets in my dress, I finally figured out).

Yeah, panic.

My self esteem = Zip, Zero, Nada.
My bank account = Devastated.
My professional pride = Wilted.

Twenty-four hours later and I finally remembered to check the front pocket of my purse.

No, checks do not belong in that pocket.

But, yes, there they were. (Apparently I put them there for safe keeping while I carried my entire life and wardrobe from the apartment.)

So, no. I'm not crazy. Just a little unwell, that's all.

(I hope this picture is just eccentric enough to prove that I'm a little odd, but quaint enough to prove that creativity is a good thing...)


Harvesting for Life said...

Ok first of all, why did you have to put that song in my head? Now my toddler is copying my singing it!!!! lol! And second, don't feel too bad, I've had major memory lapses recently that resulted in panic! Hope today is better for you! ;-)

Gabrielle Ryan said...

hehe! Jen, you are awesome ;) hahah! you make me feel so much better about my nuttiness!!! ;)


Unknown said...

Oh, good! It's just nuttiness! I was afraid it was something due to impending old age! I feel SO much better! Thank you!

All photos and content copyright © Jenni Marie: Photographer